The Human Rights Project

The Human Rights Project

The Human Rights Project works at the local and national levels to equip advocates with information and tools to promote domestic compliance with universally accepted human rights standards. We are working to create a society where the right to health, housing, education and other standards necessary to live in dignity are guaranteed, while emphasizing the leadership of women and people of color.

HRP has been at the forefront of the U.S. human rights movement for over fifteen years, effectively advocating for New York City’s most vulnerable across a range of issues. Our program strategies are to:

  • Educate the public about our government’s role in advancing or restricting human rights;
  • Equip advocates with human rights tools, models and networks;
  • Inspire a new community conversation through cultural work and thought leadership; and
  • Develop models for using a universal human rights frame to demand higher standards of government accountability.